Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma

Mother celebrated her 83rd birthday with me in Guntersville State Park this past weekend. It was just beautiful with lots of great scenery and lots of cool shopping in Boaz, AL. We shopped till we dropped! There arent as many outlet stores in Boaz as there used to be but we still managed to find some deals. There is an Unclaimed Baggage store there. This is where all the lost and unclaimed baggage comes to from all over the U.S. You had to pilfer through it all because some things were overpriced but there were still some killer deals. We also went to the Levi/Vanity Fair outlet and I got some nice cool jeans for $7.99! Gotta love that! I also got a bra and panties. For some reason I always desperately need underwear.

Then there was the coolest store of all called Little Lots. Im talking cheap, cheap. I got a bag full of makeup that would normally sell for $16.00 a jar for $1.50. ALL the makeup was $1.50. So I loaded up on enough makeup to last 2 years. I heard this one lady say you could store it in the freezer, the powder I am assuming, so I bought it as much as I could justify. They also had perfumes really cheap. They had everything cheap--from dog supplies, furniture, clothing, tools, housewares, etc. I could have stayed in there all day. And I practically did.

The first night we were at The Lodge in Guntersville State Park, me and Mother went to the lounge. It was me and her and the bartender. Quiet place, perfect for a couple of margaritas and nachos. Totally fun.

Im glad I took Momma. She had a ball and so did I. Spending time with Momma is awesome and it seems like as the years go by it gets more and more awesome.

Her are a few photos of our trip. I want to point out that all the scenery of the mountains and lake was the actual view from our hotel room and The Lodge.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Happy Birthday Mom! You've created an amazing woman in Lynn - I am a true part of her fan club!! :)

Linda said...

Oh Happy Birthday to Momma!

Lovely, lovely.