Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Spring Babies

Spring brings new life and we have two beautiful new babies in the house! They are wonderful and growing happily. This is my first spring on the farm and I have totally enjoyed watching these babies being brought into the world.

This is Shyanne. She was born May 5, 2010 to Gracie our miniature pony. She looks just like her Daddy.

This is Abigal. She is a mule born to Sylivia and Jasper. Jasper is a donkey. I learned that a donkey and a horse make a mule. I never knew that one. She was only a few hours old when I took this picture. I have pictures of the actual birth on facebook and have been told they are a little grafic but I didnt think so. I left them off here just in case. Abigal was born April 5, 2010 exactly one month before Shyanne.

Sylvia is now pregnant again and we have Mary Elizabeth also pregnant. I think if Gracie continues to do well, she will be bred again. So next spring will bring more babies!!!!

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